The lilies in my spring arrangement have decided to bloom...they are so pretty. Hubby bought me a new camera and so I had to try it out...easy to use, but I have a few things to learn. I will photograph a new subject next time, I promise!
This one is for you, Darly!
Hi Nancy, New cameras are a challenge aren't they! I bought a fancy new one a year ago and only put the time and effort into learning how to use it . . . when my existing camera stopped working (I think that was fate giving me a little push). It worked. Have fun with the new camera! Karen
Haha Nancy,
I am so thrilled you took a photo of the lilies opened! They are gorgeous and not what I had imagined. I expected all white but those are very exotic looking with the splash of color. Are they very fragrant?
I can see the difference in the cameras. This photo is very very nice. Youll be practically a pro in no time. Thanks for the blooming lily dedication!
Okay, I'm breathing-- "in with the good air, out with the bad air..." It's Saturday morning and Jack is still living here, so I guess I've recovered sufficiently! :)
Beautiful photo with your new camera, by the way.
Thanks so much Darly and Cheryl. I have taken a few of a new piece I just finished for a magazine. I was sort of happy with the pics...
Yes, Darly, the lilies are fragrant. I just love flowers...such a treat to have them in the house.
Hugs everyone,
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