
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Project...

Hi Everyone...
In 2 weeks, I can have a bit of a the garage, my computer, painting a bathroom. These are going to be finished projects in July...during my break!! Sigh!
In the meantime, I am preparing for 3 classes I am teaching at the end of the month and have started on a project below...which has to be painted and framed by next Wednesday! What was I thinking when I decided to do this?? This was a photograph I took last fall and decided it would make a lovely painting for competition...

I shall leave you this week with one of my begonias in full bloom.

Have a wonderful week!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Nancy,

You sound to be very busy, my friend.
Good luck with the painting, (lovely photo) painting the bathroom and teaching.

Your begonia is pretty.

Take care and look after yourself.

Christine LeFever said...

Wow! That is going to be stunningly beautiful!

Lucille Ball once said "If you want help ask a busy person, because busy people get things done". I'll ask you for help when I need it, Girl!



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