
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Finished the last of the painted cards for this year...I have a few last minute gifts to wrap, groceries to buy and food to prepare. It is going to be a very busy week. We have our celebration on Christmas Eve every year. Matthew is 10 yrs old now and no longer the sweet baby with a new toy. He is still sweet, but the toys are technical and the reading time has dwindled down to not much at all over Christmas. Next year, I think we will plan a different kind of holiday which I have longed for over the years. We'll see what happens...

Starting to plan the paintings for 2014...I want to do a series or two, possibly one floral and one whimsy. Right now, I am working on paintings for an art auction...don't know if I will be juried in, but I am enjoying the process.

Here is the annual picture of the tree for 2013...

Wishing you all a happy week~
Thank-you for visiting...

1 comment:

Draffin Bears said...

Merry Christmas dear Nancy and so lovely that you celebrated on Christmas eve with your family.
Your tree looks magical and thanks for showing us.
We are just about to have our Christmas dinner - turkey.
The kids are home and we are having a relaxing, enjoyable time. Happy holidays

Best wishes for 2014 and sending hugs from NZ

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